Thursday, July 2, 2009

Oh Say Can You See??

This blog was designed for family and friends to keep up with us as we grow. That said, I don't normally use this a a forum to boast my thoughts about social or political issues - but today, that rule is going out the window. I know, I know. You shouldn't discuss politics or religion in mixed company. But this is my blog and I think it should be reflective of my life and my thoughts!

Many of you may know that I have both a Bachelor's and Master's degree that are centered in politics and government. You may also know, that I do not work in government and at the current time, am somewhat put off by even the idea of working in government. Why? Because I do not want to perpetuate the feeding of a beast I think is slowly consuming the very ideals of which this country was founded on. No, this is not a left-wing, right-wing thing. This is an American thing. I have friends that range from the far-left to the far-right on the political spectrum. I have straight friends, gay friends, white and black friends, religions and non-religious friends. My ability to have a relationship with an individual does not reside in my political views. And with that, my ability to discuss my political views is not inhibited or prohibited by those relationships. I am a firm believer that political discussion is healthy for this country; no matter what your thoughts are.

As far back as the second grade I can (surprisingly) remember learning the Preamble to the Constitution. It is we (the People, remember?) that give and take power from our government, not the other way around. I am fortunate enough to have been born in a country where I have the freedom to voice my opinion and to make my own choices, my own way, my own mistakes. And quite frankly, I kinda like it! There is a reason I don't live in a socialist is because I have tasted what it means to be free. I don't think anyone can live my life for me, better than I can live it for myself. I don't think the government can make better choices than I about my family, my career, my healthcare, how I raise my child.

I think that if change is to be had it should come from the People. Blindly following the few at the top who make decisions (again, on either side of the aisle) hasn't historically turned out very well. Do I think that people with moral and religious convictions should govern this country? Yes. But, to steal a few (well-written) words from MckMama, " the name of following God, should we desire our government to disallow homosexual unions, criminalize premarital sex or forbid people to worship anyone but Jesus, just because we may believe that the Bible is clear on those topics? Absolutely not! However, it is unequivocally, in my opinion at least, not the government's job to put any such rules, laws or restrictions on its people. I firmly believe, in those instances, it should be left up to individuals to act in accordance to what they personally believe. That certainly doesn't mean that I don't think there is an absolute truth about those topics, because I certainly do! It's no secret that I believe in an absolute truth. Am I also of the opinion that there is a right way for our country to be run? Of course! I would hazard a guess that most people hold opinions because they believe that particular opinion to be correct or true and not for a different arbitrary reason. And I am no exception! I am simply saying that I do not think it ought to be the government's place to intervene in such personal matters."

Yes my friends, the winds of change are a blowin' but do we know exactly what it is they bring? Being apathetic about your freedom, avoiding political discussion because it is uncomfortable or impolite, sitting idly by saying to yourself, "I am only one person, what can I do" accomplishes nothing. We have the freedom to voice our opinion, on whatever the matter may be. Thousands upon thousands of men and women have given thier lives and their service to safeguard this freedom. Regardless of your beliefs, exercise your freedom to make your voice heard; for if you don't, the day may come that you will no longer have the freedom to do so.


Unknown said...

Go girl!! I agree with you completely!

Christie said...

I completely agree! Great post! You need to voice your opinions more!!!