Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Where has the summer gone?

At the Lake...

Just Clowning Around...

I seriously cannot believe that summer is almost over! Where did the time go?

It has been a busy one...that's for sure!

Baileigh is growing like a weed these days and at her 19-month check-up (which should've been her 18-month check up) she had the following stats:

Height - 33 3/4 inches
Weight - 24lbs. 3 oz.

She is still jabbering away and tries to say most words. Chip and I understand most of them (but others probably wouldn't if we didn't tell you what she was saying.) For instance, she will clap her hands and say "kor-kate". In Baileigh speak, that means Strawberry Shortcake (one of her favorite DVD's as of late). She is VERY active too. The girl literally never sits still when she is awake! Lately, she is also throwing some serious tantrums. It seems as if she throws them mostly with me though. Rarely does she do this with Chip. And when she throws one it is full on dramatics...throwign herself in the floor, screaming, tears, hitting the ground with her hands, kicking. Whatever she can do to add flair...she does! Is this normal?? What do you all do? I have tried several things: ignoring her, walking out of the room, speaking clamly to her to explain why she was told no, taking her to her room and telling her that she can come out when she decides to be a sweet girl. Mostly, the fits just go on until she gets bored. Last night she threw one that lasted a full 17 minutes! I would LOVE any advice if any of you have any to offer! :)

Also, exactly when do you begin potty training? Baileigh really shows no interest at this point, nor does she really indicate to us when she is "going" to the bathroom. Curious to see what you all say!

We are looking forward to cooler weather and some Alabama football (Roll Tide...yes, Baileigh can say that!)


The Howards said...

Look at that cutie riding the jet ski!! Now on the fits thing.. I am sure we can just ask my mom--I know Keri did stuff like this ALL the time when she was younger.