Monday, March 22, 2010

Back Again

Wow, it's been a long time since I last posted! Well, things are good at the Rumage household and Baileigh is growing like those weeds that magically sprouted up in our yard this past weekend!

She had her 2-year checkup today (yes, it is a few months late) and is doing great! She had to have her finger pricked and didn't even cry!! She did have to get one vaccination and she wasn't too happy about that but as soon as nurse Pam gave her a sucker all was well in the world again!

She weighed 27lbs., 12 oz. (50th %-ile) and was 35.5 (75th %-ile) inches long! She has recently moved onto size 5 diapers (although, 4's still fit) and is wearing 24-month clothes (although 18 months still fit...I just can't buy them that size b/c as soon as I do, she will grow an inch and I'll have to buy more!). She wears a size 5 (or 5-and-a half) shoe!

She is really outgoing and has a flair for the dramatic...let's just say she LOVES attention! The girl can also throw a fit. They don't happen too terribly often, but if she is tired, hungry and not getting her way...whew, watch out!

Baileigh will say most any word you ask her to (thank goodness it isn't football season, for those of you who know my hubby, as he gets a bit animated during football games and I am dreading what words she might mimick). She can count to 10 and knows color names but hasn't really grasped the association (so she knows blue is a color, but she may tell you that the sun is blue). Lately, she tells us she sees a chicken outside of our house and if you ask her what color it is she will tell you it's blue and says bok-bok (and, no, for the curious, there is no chicken)! She loves Dora, Tinkerbell, Wubzy, and Shrek.

Baileigh also loves to try and make you laugh and knows how to "work" a siutation to her advantage. For instance, she was in the car with her dad the other day on the way to the doctor and she said, "Daddy, I like play-gwounds" and Chip said, "Me too." A few minutes later she said, "Daddy, I LOOOVVEE play-gwounds." This is her way of not so subtly telling you that she would really like for you to take her to the playground! The girl also has an extraordinary fondness for popsicles (or "sicles", as she calls them) and requests them for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Her father and I kindly decline her requests to be served popsicles at every meal. She will also eat most any fruit (and as much as you will give her), except for bananas. She HATES bananas. Not banana flavoring, but real bananas. She isn't as big on veggies as I wish she would be but I guess that's normal. She also LOVES guacamole, which I am glad of b/c she doesn't like meat. So she eats yogurt and guacamole for proteins.

As for Chip and I, we have both been very busy with work and Chip was awesome and gave me some time to "train" for a half-marathon which I ran on February 28th in New Orleans. I hope to do another this year (hopefully Chip will run with me) and to do a full marathon in Spring 2011! We are looking forward to a fun spring and summer and hope to see everyone soon.


Unknown said...

Baileigh has gotten so big!!! I cannot believe how long her hair is now. What a big girl! So glad to hear how things are going with you guys and loved the pics.

Emmie and Baileigh need to get together for some guacamole one day! That is Emmie's very favorite food. Her teachers laugh when I send it to school because they say she doesn't let a drop hit the table! Every morsel somehow lands in her mouth. She LOVES it!

Courtney said...

Oh my gosh she is getting so big!!! Glad yall are good!

Keri said...

She IS getting to be such a big girl...and so cute too!
Good to see you a few weeks ago!!

Christie said...

Wow! Baileigh has grown so much! Her hair is so long. I sure wish Raylin could grow some hair!!! Thanks for the update. Sounds like y'all are doing great!!!

The Howards said...

What a big girl she is and her hair is so long and pretty. Good for you for training for a 1/2 marathon. Go girl!!