Monday, April 20, 2009

April Showers Bring...wet kids!

I took this a couple of weeks ago, but I have been bad about getting my posts up lately.

Anywho...I was getting ready to take a shower on a Saturday morning and accidentally left the bathroom door open as I was running around the house trying to find some clothes to put after I got out of the shower. When I returned to my bathroom I found Baileigh standing in the middle of the shower (fully clothed). I pulled her out of the shower and snapped this pic. She wasn't crying b/c she was wet, but rather because I made her get out of the water!

She is so fast and FULL of energy. She doesn't stop unless it is naptime or'll rarely catch her sitting still for anything. I wish I could bottle some of that energy up!

Sorry we missed our sweet friends who were in town this weekend visiting. I know you all had a blast and hate that we missed all the fun. I saw all the pics today...what sweet girls they all are!We look forward to next time!
Oh, and here is my Mommy Help question: Baileigh has started to throw some major tantrums (we're talking full on wailing, throw yourself on the floor and kick and scream) as of late. She also "whines" whenever she wants something (this is new, she used to point to what she it is a point & whine).
We've been ignoring the tantrums (and we don't give in to whatever it is she is having a fit about) and on one occasion when she got really out of control, I picked her up and took her to her room and told her to stay there until she could be nice (like she understood what I was saying). When we have done this, it has worked and the tantrums usually end in a relatively short amount of time. Any suggestions on how to prevent them from happening in the first place? On the "whining" issue - I have no idea what this is about. We have tried to encourage her to use words she knows, or we ask her to show us what she wants because many times I know she is frustrated that she can't express what she wants to. Is this a "phase" or is there something else I should be doing? Such a drama queen, that girl!


Christie said...

I am defnitely not the one to ask. Keri and Mere will attest to that after this weekend. Raylin was a wild child. But when she is getting down on the floor to pitch a fit, I will usually tell her to bang her head and kick her feet. That that is way more effective. She usually just stops and looks at me like I'm crazy, but the fit stops too!

Unknown said...

My pediatrician once said that the "terrible two's" are actually the second year of life, so technically they start at 12 months since that is when their second year of life starts! :)

I am sure you are doing a great job! I did start time out with Lainie around Baileigh's age. Just remember that kids are MUCH smarter than you think they are. They understand alot more than you would ever think they would!