Friday, May 1, 2009

16 Months Update

I can't believe that Baileigh will be 16 months old tomorrow. Time sure has flown by!

We went to see Dr. Joe yesterday to have her ears re-checked and to get her 15 month shots and checkup (we were a couple weeks late on this...but it was because she had the ear infection when we originally schedule the appt.). Her ear had cleared up and all looked good.

Here are her latest stats:

Height - 31.5 inches - 75th %-tile

Weight - 22 lbs. 8 oz - 50th %-tile

She is still in a size 3 diaper...although I have bought size 4's because we are borderline!! She wears size 12 months in clothes (and again, although I have bought all her summer stuff in 18 months...I was so afraid she'd hit a growth spurt and grow out of them all) and wears a size 4 shoe (finally!).

She is FULL of energy and never sits still. She loves being outside...rain or shine. And, she is fascinated with water! (she loves to do anything if it involves water)

Here are a few pics I got of her yesterday. As you will notice, she has a spoon in all of them. I was unloading the dishwasher and she decided to help herself to a idea why. She carried that thing around with her all afternoon!


Unknown said...

So, do you think it is bad that she and Emmie weigh about the same amount and Em is already in a size 4 diaper? I think I have a small chunky monkey on my hands!

Baileigh is precious as always! So glad to hear her ears are clear. We went to the ENT today and tubes are scheduled for Tuesday. :(

The Howards said...

Love the new header! She is such a cutie. She is loving that spoon isn't she?!

Christie said...

Happy 16 months to Baileigh!!! The new header is great!

Keri said...

I tried to comment several times last week and I kept getting some crazy error message...we'll see if it works this time...can't even remember what I was going to say :) Love the new header too...very cute!!